Solo Star 2 can do kudzu. Not fast and not easily. I used scissors to cut the kudzu up. Have you used another juicer to juice kudzu? A blender is fine for watered down kudzu.
Saturday, December 10, 2016
Juicer can do kudzu

Sunday, November 20, 2016
Juicer cannot do spinach; can juicer do kudzu?
If it breaks, do I get a full refund? Solostar II.
Chewing kudzu is out of the question. The people who chew snuff don't realize how much vinegar and sugar are in their product!
When you look at labels, look for fructose and look for vinegar or sugar before you chew anymore snuff.
Chewing kudzu is out of the question. The people who chew snuff don't realize how much vinegar and sugar are in their product!
When you look at labels, look for fructose and look for vinegar or sugar before you chew anymore snuff.

Sunday, November 13, 2016
Round-Up relationship with Kudzu
Today I went to Marathon gas station near me and found that the fence was clear of kudzu, and dead leaves were below the fence.
I found pretty leaves and put them in a small bag. What if the leaves were sprayed? We haven't had rain in weeks. What if my legs are covered in Round-Up?
When people poison yards and golf courses there is a sign put up about the poison for potential problems with illness and neurological damage.
Not with kudzu. It can be poisoned on the side of the road with pregnant women driving with their air conditioners on and breathing the fumes of Round-up or worse, and nary a sign is to be seen.
How many miscarriages and birth defects could be blamed on Round-Up and other poisons? I cannot get Kudzu near my house anymore. I found a new place. It isn't close to where we live.
I found pretty leaves and put them in a small bag. What if the leaves were sprayed? We haven't had rain in weeks. What if my legs are covered in Round-Up?
When people poison yards and golf courses there is a sign put up about the poison for potential problems with illness and neurological damage.
Not with kudzu. It can be poisoned on the side of the road with pregnant women driving with their air conditioners on and breathing the fumes of Round-up or worse, and nary a sign is to be seen.
How many miscarriages and birth defects could be blamed on Round-Up and other poisons? I cannot get Kudzu near my house anymore. I found a new place. It isn't close to where we live.

Saturday, November 12, 2016
Do you want to give without paying more?
Amazon Smile has a way of registering and when you buy, a percentage is given to the nonprofit Fear Thou Not. Fear Thou Not helps people with free food (kudzu), the Buddy System, Poncho Power, Fertility #infertility, Autoharps belong in churches and helping people know about praising God, and that Jesus is our Advocate.
What church ever had one ministry? What ministry ever had one way to help others learn about Jesus as our Advocate/lawyer 1 John 2:1-2? What is the symbol of the lawyer if not the food scale. The food scale can be found in stained glass in several churches like Little Bethel in Atlanta, and Flipper Temple in Atlanta, Georgia.
When you are looking for kudzu after a freeze, look under trees where there are leaves. The warmth from the shelter keeps the vines of kudzu from freezing and you can find leaves. I have done this.
What church ever had one ministry? What ministry ever had one way to help others learn about Jesus as our Advocate/lawyer 1 John 2:1-2? What is the symbol of the lawyer if not the food scale. The food scale can be found in stained glass in several churches like Little Bethel in Atlanta, and Flipper Temple in Atlanta, Georgia.
When you are looking for kudzu after a freeze, look under trees where there are leaves. The warmth from the shelter keeps the vines of kudzu from freezing and you can find leaves. I have done this.

Saturday, October 22, 2016
I have 12 blogs. They are easy to translate.
Go here to see it in English! My 12 blogs are easy to translate!
di Charlotte Fairchild
Calendario (nuove possibilità di vecchi calendari) Copyright 3 gennaio 2005
marcatori 1. libro, laminato, o no.
2. tovagliette, laminato o meno.
3. tovaglie (non tagliare dopo la laminazione)
4. sottobicchieri
5. arte sul muro
6. carte per i giochi
7. guarire carte
8. Cartoline di Natale
9. decoupage su qualsiasi cosa
10. wallies per decorare le pareti
11. sapone arte (tuffo in cera calda per loro di essere impermeabile su un lato)
12. puzzle (colla di cartone, e ritagliare le forme)
13. coperture libro
14. origami
15. aeroplanini di carta
16. decalcomanie per le finestre (carta di contatto utilizzo)
17. diario
carta 18. rottami
19. scatole copertura
20. bottiglie di copertura
21. ispirazione per la poesia / libri / lettere / Arte / Musica
22. arte per libri in bianco
23. arte su cuscini, camicie o trapunte (copie di trasferimento)
24. bambole di carta
25. sfondo per acquari (che cambia con le stagioni)
26. sfondo per impiccagione finestra arte
27. sfondo per teatro di figura
28. sfondo per bambole di carta
29. decalcomanie stagionali per qualsiasi finestra
30. frigorifero arte
31. catene di carta per alberi di Natale (linee sono facili da seguire per il taglio)
ornamenti 32. Natale di tutti i tipi (sfere, scatole, forme e dimensioni)
33. Piatti decorativi (non lavastoviglie / microonde sicuro)
34. Formazione (calendari salute tenuti in kit di pronto soccorso)
35. calendari bellezza tenuti in compongono notebook
36. calendari scherzo tenuti in bacheche ufficio
37. matematica, viaggi, puzzle e calendari scherzo tenuto in auto per i viaggi
38. riciclo calendario con stampa fuori del prossimo anno
39. targhette
carta 40. rivestimento per cassetti (spruzzare con profumo per un profumo)
41. carta da imballaggio per i regali
42. carta velina per sacchetti regalo
43. Buste per le lettere
44. pratica di taglio per le piccole mani
45. cornici per altre immagini
carta da 46. muro
47. casa fatta di carta
48. accensione
49. ispirazione per i sogni
50. ispirazione per le preghiere
51. ispirazione per _________
52. vestiti di carta per le bambole / le persone che vivono sul bordo
53. isolamento per il calore (dentro i vestiti, o per i vestiti drafty
54. Museo dei calendari
55. storia di problemi di salute
56. Storia / memoria della vita / scatti per gli animali domestici / famiglia
57. adesivi (comprare un po 'di colla)
58. orecchini
59. spille, perline, collane e gioielli di qualsiasi forma / dimensione / possibilità
60. bagaglio arte
61. Fronte di orologio (prendere la parte dell'immagine colla orologio, e poi mettere insieme)
62. divisorio arte (o colla per corde e chiodi perno nel soffitto, o comprare legno e colla le immagini del calendario su)
63. maschere per Mardis Gras
64. maschere per Halloween
65. decorazioni per ogni tipo di vacanza
66. quattro stagioni dell'arte
67. affari cartella arte
68. accodo arte (impermeabile con laminazione)
69. arrotolare, e fare una candela che brucia veloce (senza stoppino necessario)
70. compost (solo calendari in bianco e nero)
71. laminato / appendere in giardino come arte (se i vostri fiori non crescono, utilizzare immagini di fiori)
72. cuscino per proteggere fondo nei boschi da macchie di sporco ed erba
73. cuscino tra piatti di porcellana
74. materiale di imballaggio per scatole di spedizione
75. fodere del sottopiede del pattino
76. Swatters di mosca
77. creatori di rumore
78. ventilatori portatili
79. pacciamatura per le piante (provate a buttare sotto le foglie o chip)
80. fiori di carta
81. Isolamento per senza tetto contro il freddo
82. stazionario
fodera in gabbia 83. coniglio
84. vernice spray goccia posteriore per l'artigianato
85. tegame di polvere (in un pizzico)
86. sottopentola per commestibili caldi (in un pizzico)
87. spessore (livello qualsiasi tavolo, scrivania, pezzo traballante di mobili)
88. avvolgere il pesce, ma solo quando si pesca con nessun giornale
89. Isolare generi alimentari
90. superfici proteggere dai danni umido (come in seggiolini per auto con generi alimentari surgelati)
91. conversazione di avviamento (hai preso un nuovo calendario, che cosa intende fare con il vostro vecchio?)
92. Pubblicità / numero di telefono promemoria
93. la prova che uno ha una vita piena di impegni
94. copertina un mattone da usare come fermaporta
95. involucro di frutta
96. avvolgere verdure fresche
97. Smush bug sotto (posto calendario su un bug, e poi passo sul calendario)
98. decorare vecchi cd con le foto e appendere o utilizzare come sottobicchieri
99. taglio modello e fare paralume per lampada
100. utilizzare la griglia per tick-tac-toe con pedine o piazze dal calendario
101. colla sulle sfumature per decorare tonalità della finestra
102. trasformarli in cartoline di Natale!
103. make libri illustrati per i bambini di tutte le età
104. La maggior parte di queste idee possono essere utilizzati anche per le cartoline di Natale!
105. alberi Decorare Natale con immagini da calandre o l'uso di catena di carta!
106. Copertine.
107. Con le direzioni, un bicchiere spia
108. Un tubo di fortuna per uno strumento musicale
109. Un gioco di carte di fortuna (si tratta di taglio e disegno)
110. Art soffitto.
111. calendari di collegamento
112. dando calendari
113. Kudzu Kalendar per gli appassionati superpianta
114. lettere Calendario amore
115. record di sogno su un calendario
116. Jung: I sogni sul calendario
117. orologio faccia che è modificabile con un calendario come il volto
Google Translate for Business:Translator ToolkitWebsite TranslatorGlobal Market Finder
di Charlotte Fairchild
Calendario (nuove possibilità di vecchi calendari) Copyright 3 gennaio 2005
marcatori 1. libro, laminato, o no.
2. tovagliette, laminato o meno.
3. tovaglie (non tagliare dopo la laminazione)
4. sottobicchieri
5. arte sul muro
6. carte per i giochi
7. guarire carte
8. Cartoline di Natale
9. decoupage su qualsiasi cosa
10. wallies per decorare le pareti
11. sapone arte (tuffo in cera calda per loro di essere impermeabile su un lato)
12. puzzle (colla di cartone, e ritagliare le forme)
13. coperture libro
14. origami
15. aeroplanini di carta
16. decalcomanie per le finestre (carta di contatto utilizzo)
17. diario
carta 18. rottami
19. scatole copertura
20. bottiglie di copertura
21. ispirazione per la poesia / libri / lettere / Arte / Musica
22. arte per libri in bianco
23. arte su cuscini, camicie o trapunte (copie di trasferimento)
24. bambole di carta
25. sfondo per acquari (che cambia con le stagioni)
26. sfondo per impiccagione finestra arte
27. sfondo per teatro di figura
28. sfondo per bambole di carta
29. decalcomanie stagionali per qualsiasi finestra
30. frigorifero arte
31. catene di carta per alberi di Natale (linee sono facili da seguire per il taglio)
ornamenti 32. Natale di tutti i tipi (sfere, scatole, forme e dimensioni)
33. Piatti decorativi (non lavastoviglie / microonde sicuro)
34. Formazione (calendari salute tenuti in kit di pronto soccorso)
35. calendari bellezza tenuti in compongono notebook
36. calendari scherzo tenuti in bacheche ufficio
37. matematica, viaggi, puzzle e calendari scherzo tenuto in auto per i viaggi
38. riciclo calendario con stampa fuori del prossimo anno
39. targhette
carta 40. rivestimento per cassetti (spruzzare con profumo per un profumo)
41. carta da imballaggio per i regali
42. carta velina per sacchetti regalo
43. Buste per le lettere
44. pratica di taglio per le piccole mani
45. cornici per altre immagini
carta da 46. muro
47. casa fatta di carta
48. accensione
49. ispirazione per i sogni
50. ispirazione per le preghiere
51. ispirazione per _________
52. vestiti di carta per le bambole / le persone che vivono sul bordo
53. isolamento per il calore (dentro i vestiti, o per i vestiti drafty
54. Museo dei calendari
55. storia di problemi di salute
56. Storia / memoria della vita / scatti per gli animali domestici / famiglia
57. adesivi (comprare un po 'di colla)
58. orecchini
59. spille, perline, collane e gioielli di qualsiasi forma / dimensione / possibilità
60. bagaglio arte
61. Fronte di orologio (prendere la parte dell'immagine colla orologio, e poi mettere insieme)
62. divisorio arte (o colla per corde e chiodi perno nel soffitto, o comprare legno e colla le immagini del calendario su)
63. maschere per Mardis Gras
64. maschere per Halloween
65. decorazioni per ogni tipo di vacanza
66. quattro stagioni dell'arte
67. affari cartella arte
68. accodo arte (impermeabile con laminazione)
69. arrotolare, e fare una candela che brucia veloce (senza stoppino necessario)
70. compost (solo calendari in bianco e nero)
71. laminato / appendere in giardino come arte (se i vostri fiori non crescono, utilizzare immagini di fiori)
72. cuscino per proteggere fondo nei boschi da macchie di sporco ed erba
73. cuscino tra piatti di porcellana
74. materiale di imballaggio per scatole di spedizione
75. fodere del sottopiede del pattino
76. Swatters di mosca
77. creatori di rumore
78. ventilatori portatili
79. pacciamatura per le piante (provate a buttare sotto le foglie o chip)
80. fiori di carta
81. Isolamento per senza tetto contro il freddo
82. stazionario
fodera in gabbia 83. coniglio
84. vernice spray goccia posteriore per l'artigianato
85. tegame di polvere (in un pizzico)
86. sottopentola per commestibili caldi (in un pizzico)
87. spessore (livello qualsiasi tavolo, scrivania, pezzo traballante di mobili)
88. avvolgere il pesce, ma solo quando si pesca con nessun giornale
89. Isolare generi alimentari
90. superfici proteggere dai danni umido (come in seggiolini per auto con generi alimentari surgelati)
91. conversazione di avviamento (hai preso un nuovo calendario, che cosa intende fare con il vostro vecchio?)
92. Pubblicità / numero di telefono promemoria
93. la prova che uno ha una vita piena di impegni
94. copertina un mattone da usare come fermaporta
95. involucro di frutta
96. avvolgere verdure fresche
97. Smush bug sotto (posto calendario su un bug, e poi passo sul calendario)
98. decorare vecchi cd con le foto e appendere o utilizzare come sottobicchieri
99. taglio modello e fare paralume per lampada
100. utilizzare la griglia per tick-tac-toe con pedine o piazze dal calendario
101. colla sulle sfumature per decorare tonalità della finestra
102. trasformarli in cartoline di Natale!
103. make libri illustrati per i bambini di tutte le età
104. La maggior parte di queste idee possono essere utilizzati anche per le cartoline di Natale!
105. alberi Decorare Natale con immagini da calandre o l'uso di catena di carta!
106. Copertine.
107. Con le direzioni, un bicchiere spia
108. Un tubo di fortuna per uno strumento musicale
109. Un gioco di carte di fortuna (si tratta di taglio e disegno)
110. Art soffitto.
111. calendari di collegamento
112. dando calendari
113. Kudzu Kalendar per gli appassionati superpianta
114. lettere Calendario amore
115. record di sogno su un calendario
116. Jung: I sogni sul calendario
117. orologio faccia che è modificabile con un calendario come il volto
Google Translate for Business:Translator ToolkitWebsite TranslatorGlobal Market Finder

Tuesday, October 11, 2016
Kudzu research
No one is researching how to grow kudzu in colder temperatures or in places where there is less light like Antarctica. Could Antarctica make a difference in how kudzu is studied?
No one is researching how kudzu can be grown in a hot house. Could kudzu be the answer to famine?
No one has tried BONSAI and kudzu. A form of Bonsai and kudzu could be a way to learn harvesting in a manageable way. Are vines ever part of bonsai?
No one has researched kudzu with hydroponics. How difficult could it be to grow a superplant?
#superplant #superfood #kudzu #hydroponics #Canada #research #Antarctica
No one is researching how kudzu can be grown in a hot house. Could kudzu be the answer to famine?
No one has tried BONSAI and kudzu. A form of Bonsai and kudzu could be a way to learn harvesting in a manageable way. Are vines ever part of bonsai?
No one has researched kudzu with hydroponics. How difficult could it be to grow a superplant?
#superplant #superfood #kudzu #hydroponics #Canada #research #Antarctica

Sunday, October 9, 2016
Who poisons kudzu?
It would be nice to blame one person. Who poisons kudzu along our roads and highways? County governments do. Do you want them to use black plastic and solar energy instead of breathing the agent orange they spray next to your air conditioner/heater? Call them up and ask them to use black plastic and other tools to manage kudzu so you don't have to breath agent orange or worse.

Thursday, September 22, 2016
Kudzu Jelly video live
I made kudzu leaf jelly this morning. I did it using a mint jelly recipe I remembered reading in the old directions of Suregel (TM).
I need a videographer. Jeet where are you?
I need a videographer. Jeet where are you?

Tuesday, September 20, 2016
I am making videos with kudzu This is not the newest video. Please share!

Tuesday, September 13, 2016
When kudzu doesn't taste strong enough, add salt. It will make it come alive. Don't ask me why, yet it does!

Tuesday, September 6, 2016
What does Kudzu taste good with?
Kudzu does not taste good with ginger root. It does taste good with brownies using a marijuana recipe to add greens and juice in a box of brownies without the marijuana. What else does kudzu taste good with?
Has anyone used kudzu fibers with meatloaf?
Has anyone used kudzu fibers with meatloaf?

Wednesday, August 31, 2016
Today I ate kudzu fiber
I drank the juice and ate the fiber from the Oster blender. I am tired of being bloated. The pizzas and other foods we eat are not so good for bloating, and it is awful to digest. I really like kudzu juice and the fiber is fine! It would be impossible to chew if the Oster and the Mason Jars were not so easy. I did buy a Tribest juicer. If it breaks the first time I use kudzu in the Tribest, I will return the juicer.

Today I ate kudzu fiber

Thursday, August 25, 2016
What does kudzu taste like? Chicken!
You know kudzu does NOT taste like chicken. If you haven't tasted kudzu, then you are chicken!

Sunday, August 21, 2016
Kudzu, kudzu, everywhere, and not a leaf to spare. In Georgia if you stop on the side of the road to pick kudzu there might be RoundUp or other neurological poisons sprayed by the counties, or you might get shot by someone who hates kudzu and hates trespassing worse.
Today I saw 2 fawns eating in the open by a busy street. I hope they did not try to cross the road.

Saturday, July 2, 2016
Shells in Northern Hemisphere/Southern Hemisphere
Tornadoes, shells, toilets, and what else are different because of being either in the Northern Hemisphere or Southern. And then there is the magnetic field, Ozone, and what else makes the hemispheres? This is not part of common knowledge is it?

Thursday, June 23, 2016
How hard is it to harvest kudzu
It takes maybe 10 minutes to harvest the leaves of kudzu. I have $1 and that may be enough for a few eggs so I can make brownies with kudzu today. The recipe is at:
I don't take any of the vine. The leaves are hard enough on my Oster blender. I get the largest and darkest leaves. And then I put the strainer in a wide mouth Mason Jar and then put the strained fiber in another mason jar in the freezer and drink the juice. The fiber has enough juice in it to make tea in the winter. It tastes 100% better than any other tea and it is green, not brown the way I make it. I could also make the brownies in winter with what I put in the freezer.

Tuesday, June 14, 2016
Why work on a garden when you can find kudzu and harvest for free?
How much work do you want to do in life?
If you have ever grown a vegetable or fruit garden then you know the pesticides, herbicides, traps, fertilizers and irrigation necessary for gardening on a small scale or farming on a large scale. When you get tired of that, find some kudzu and go get some every day. Juice it like the directions in with a blender and strainer and Mason jars.
Do you want to spend your life weeding and spending money to do gardening everyone else is doing? Do you want to find a way to be healthy without all the work and time involved?

Saturday, June 11, 2016
SHARE if you CARE!

Friday, June 10, 2016
Kudzu tastes
Sweet. Always. If you taste anything that isn't sweet, you are tasting the coffee, cigarettes, meat, and anything else acidic in your head.
If you try kudzu after Mountain Dew or anything else that is acidic, you won't like it. If you drink the juice for a few days and that is all you eat or drink, you will be surprised at the flavor!
If you try kudzu after Mountain Dew or anything else that is acidic, you won't like it. If you drink the juice for a few days and that is all you eat or drink, you will be surprised at the flavor!

Wednesday, June 8, 2016
Benefits of kudzu?
What is so great about kudzu?
Does it detox the liver and pancreas?
Does it help hangover?
Does it help people drink less?
Does it get studied at universities?
How much work is kudzu?
Does it need fertilizer?
Does it need irrigation?
Does it need pesticides?
Does it need herbicides?
How do you clean kudzu?
Is it waterproof?
Can you juice kudzu?
Can you put kudzu fiber in meatloaf?
Can you put kudzu juice and fiber in brownies?
Does it detox the liver and pancreas?
Does it help hangover?
Does it help people drink less?
Does it get studied at universities?
How much work is kudzu?
Does it need fertilizer?
Does it need irrigation?
Does it need pesticides?
Does it need herbicides?
How do you clean kudzu?
Is it waterproof?
Can you juice kudzu?
Can you put kudzu fiber in meatloaf?
Can you put kudzu juice and fiber in brownies?

Wednesday, April 13, 2016
Farming Kudzu
Farming kudzu is a shock suggestion to most farmers. Most people think buying goats and renting them at $200 a day is too expensive and that is what they think about when you talk about farming kudzu: that it makes good goat food.
An older couple started farming kudzu for feed for animals a while back. It is possible to grow kudzu, harvest and bale kudzu, and then sell it to people who want something that hasn't been sprayed with pesticides or herbicides or used irrigation to grow. Kudzu does not need fertilizer.
For people who want to do something unique, that is a start.
An older couple started farming kudzu for feed for animals a while back. It is possible to grow kudzu, harvest and bale kudzu, and then sell it to people who want something that hasn't been sprayed with pesticides or herbicides or used irrigation to grow. Kudzu does not need fertilizer.
For people who want to do something unique, that is a start.

Wednesday, March 30, 2016
Kudzu tea
Next year I am going to have so much kudzu put in the freezer so I can have kudzu tea all winter! I freeze it, or I dry it.

Monday, March 28, 2016
Kudzu Growth
Is kudzu growing yet? I used to see it by May 1. That is a long time to wait, don't you think?

Friday, March 4, 2016
The kudzu tea will help the liver with the yeast. It is dried leaves I still keep in the fridge because I don't want mold or bacteria to grow on kudzu. I freeze the greens from when I juice too. This is just as good as the dried kudzu to me.

Monday, February 1, 2016
Lunch with Spanish and English
The last thing to use to Knock Out Kudzu is poisons, not the first thing. Please look at the link above.
Kudzu is edible. Right now it is dormant. If people know they can eat kudzu, will they? If they know there are 200,000 web sites with kudzu recipes will they try any? How many countries are starving and the USA goes to war with them? We don't even go to war with genocide.
The last thing to use to Knock Out Kudzu is poisons, not the first thing. Please look at the link above.
Kudzu is edible. Right now it is dormant. If people know they can eat kudzu, will they? If they know there are 200,000 web sites with kudzu recipes will they try any? How many countries are starving and the USA goes to war with them? We don't even go to war with genocide.

Monday, January 25, 2016
Kudzu doesn't do so well in fast juicers.

Saturday, January 23, 2016
I have enough kudzu to make tea
IN the grocery store I met a man who said my neighbors would be mad if I planted kudzu. It is illegal to plant kudzu. Odd how some people joke about what they don't understand! I tried to grow kudzu in my house last year and kudzu would not grow. Hydroponics is not an easy skill.

Wednesday, January 13, 2016
Kudzu tea
Kudzu was behind a bank. I didn't go look at it because it was behind a bank and heck if I want someone on camera looking at me while I take pictures of kudzu. The fibers of kudzu that I juice in a blender I put in little cup Mason Jars in the freezer. I boil water, put the fiber in the boiling water (not frozen) and then I have kudzu tea in the winter. Do you know how much it can cheer you up to have kudzu tea in the winter?
My grandfather never planted kudzu. Or did he? There is kudzu on the Baxter land.
My grandfather never planted kudzu. Or did he? There is kudzu on the Baxter land.

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