Not at all! Kudzu tastes like kudzu!
And kudzu doesn't taste like turtles either!
Thursday, December 31, 2015
Does Kudzu taste like Chicken?

Monday, December 28, 2015
Nothing grows as well as Kudzu.
Kudzu is natural and not genetically modified. Nothing makes it grow better. Do you want to eat something you KNOW is not genetically modified?

Monday, December 14, 2015
Harvesting leaves when they are dead looking.
This is the time of year to manage kudzu. When the leaves in December are grey/brown/dead looking, get some and use the leaves to dye yarns or burn in fire pits, or make wreathes and baskets!

Wednesday, November 11, 2015
A poncho with the GRINCH? Yes. And what am I going to do with all the money? Pay for the PO Box, and the material. I had a drawing this summer with a $245.00 watch. It was donated, thankfully! I used the $7 I received for the watch to help pay for a $40 sign.
PO BOX 1803

Wednesday, October 28, 2015
Kudzu juice
How many people drink kudzu juice? Ask everyone you know if they have ever tried kudzu juice?
Get back with me on that please?
Get back with me on that please?

Monday, October 19, 2015
It is freezing soon
Kudzu was beautiful yesterday. It came close to freezing (39*F) last night. I will see if I can get kudzu today. I don't have much in my freezer. I would like more kudzu in my freezer.
I can use the kudzu fiber from straining the juice either in making hot tea or in kudzu brownies.
Today I will make kudzu brownies in my cast iron in the oven. Why? So I can post it on a place on Facebook with 20,000+ people. Does anyone want pictures of the kudzu I am getting?
Is anyone else using kudzu?
I can use the kudzu fiber from straining the juice either in making hot tea or in kudzu brownies.
Today I will make kudzu brownies in my cast iron in the oven. Why? So I can post it on a place on Facebook with 20,000+ people. Does anyone want pictures of the kudzu I am getting?
Is anyone else using kudzu?

kudzu and freezing

Friday, October 16, 2015
Asian Soybean Rust is a fungus.
People eat mushrooms. Fungus on leaves is not healthy. If you see orange spots or yellow spots, you are looking at fungus on kudzu. I saw leaves that looked like Africa on Fairburn Road near I-20 by a bank. I couldn't get out of my car because it was a waste of time. The leaves were yellowed and spotted so badly I could see the spots from the parking lot. I talked to a man about kudzu. When I get the kudzu at the gas station, I usually go to a grocery store and take the kudzu inside with me. I don't want my leaves to wilt. The store people know they don't sell kudzu. There are a quarter of a million recipe sites on a search of kudzu recipes.

Friday, September 25, 2015
Why do people drive by kudzu in Georgia? The kudzu is free, the land is owned by someone, so trespassing is not free.

Sunday, September 13, 2015
Mint jelly and kudzu jelly
Mint jelly recipes in the boxes for pectin to make jelly can be used for making kudzu. Just cut the kudzu up and blend it with water, poor into a measuring cup and make sure you put the correct amount of fluid/liquid in the recipe. You can add water if it didn't fill up enough.
Does it taste any good? Try it!
Does it taste any good? Try it!

Saturday, August 22, 2015
Kudzu on the Silver Comet Trail
If I get 5 or 6 pretty leaves tomorrow I will make kudzu tea for lunch. Auburn University has how many recipes for Kudzu tea?

4 Free walking sticks tomorrow at 10 am at Home Depot and Seaboard Drive benches
15 minutes of walking and I will tell you stories. I have 4 free walking sticks to give away. There will be plenty of time to go to church afterwards.

Monday, August 3, 2015
When is a good time for kudzu tea?
Today! Get a few leaves, cut them up, and put them in hot water (almost boiling) and let steep for a few minutes! Don't believe me? This is an Auburn U. recipe!

Sunday, August 2, 2015
Kudzu is all beautiful from a distance
Up close there might be Asian Soybean rust, stink bugs and bites from other varmints all over that pretty kudzu leaf.

Friday, July 31, 2015
I live in Georgia, USA
One time I stopped and picked some kudzu. The owner must have seen me because the police asked me not to park where there was a yellow line on a street with no cars at all. He was right. So I left and I never go back to that spot. People want to protect their property. Sometimes the trees are covered in kudzu. I am not stopping because this is Georgia, and that property is private. Most of the time there is no one to ask. Most of the time, I have driven past the property enough to know that there has been poison sprayed. I have told the county about Kudzu Kollege. One day people will listen.
The kudzu looks beautiful until you come close to it. There are Asian Soybean rust, and stink bugs. Up close it is difficult to find a beautifully healthy leaf. When I find just a few, I make sure I make kudzu tea. The recipe is on the Auburn U. site, or it was.
The kudzu looks beautiful until you come close to it. There are Asian Soybean rust, and stink bugs. Up close it is difficult to find a beautifully healthy leaf. When I find just a few, I make sure I make kudzu tea. The recipe is on the Auburn U. site, or it was.

Saturday, July 25, 2015
Give Love
There is a company that helps people recycle human and other animal wastes to make really great soil/compost to make great gardens and great foods!
Could they use kudzu instead of hay?
September 10, we will be at the Paulding Meadows Festival with a table. I will have an autoharp, two drawings, and information about using the Buddy System, Safety Awareness, and some Self Defense. I may have kudzu juice!
Could they use kudzu instead of hay?
September 10, we will be at the Paulding Meadows Festival with a table. I will have an autoharp, two drawings, and information about using the Buddy System, Safety Awareness, and some Self Defense. I may have kudzu juice!

Tuesday, July 21, 2015
Hydroponics research for kudzu is being studied here
Hydroponics research for kudzu is being studied where? Here. If you are a scientist who knows much about hydroponics or root crops and hydroponics, I need help. I also want to talk to people who do bonsai. Harvesting the root is more important than the greens commercially. I read that there is no longer a green house at the Antarctic, and least not the USA places. So before I knew that I started growing kudzu (a superplant) using a grow light in my kitchen. I don't know what I did wrong. Maybe the 70*F temperature in the house was too cool, maybe the grow light wasn't in the right place. Maybe I didn't have the right fertilizer in the water (hydroponic) or I didn't change the water often enough. Because of pollution, ivy, poison ivy, and kudzu are growing more aggressively on all the continents except the Antarctic. Kudzu is the only superplant I know that is completely edible and medicinal (related to the snow pea and soybeans). I don't know if anyone here is a botanist or has an interest in hydroponics? I also bought a juicer to see if it is possible to juice kudzu. Yes, but a total waste of money. A blender is more effective. I probably need a grass juicer. Even with kudzu cut diagonally, the fibers are too much for a $300.00 Breville juicer. I have had a blog for the last 10+ years with experiments I have done or questions I have had about kudzu and links to help addiction. I need to try again with kudzu because I would eat it year round every day three times a day. It tastes that good, and is that healthy for anyone. The Book of Kudzu by William Shurtleff is a good place to start if you are interested. He is a scientist from Stanford U. The book is 30 years old. Auburn U. and hundreds of thousands of sites have recipes, including my blog. I am the first one to show how to juice kudzu with a blender.

Tuesday, June 30, 2015
Hydroponic kudzu
I do not know how to grow kudzu. I wanted to grow hydroponic kudzu. I grew many more mosquitos than I did kudzu.
Any suggestions for growing kudzu using hydroponics would be appreciated!
Any suggestions for growing kudzu using hydroponics would be appreciated!

Friday, May 15, 2015
Research of Kudzu to kill that plant
When we look at kudzu as a resource that we begin to use, it will no longer be as widespread. I found this research today with great explanations and pictures. There are things to learn here. kudzu

Thursday, May 7, 2015
Hydroponics and Bonsai for Kudzu
Who is brave enough to try hydroponics and bonsai for kudzu? Is there a scientist or someone who plays with plants who would be willing to try?

Tuesday, April 28, 2015
The Book of Kudzu has no comparable website like this Soy INFO center. com
If you want to learn more about kudzu, it wouldn't hurt to read this information as much as possible. Kudzu and Soy are close cousins, as well as Snowpeas being related to both!
If you want to learn more about kudzu, it wouldn't hurt to read this information as much as possible. Kudzu and Soy are close cousins, as well as Snowpeas being related to both!

Wednesday, April 22, 2015
Kudzu Roots
Yesterday I pulled kudzu up and there were roots! Now to plant them and grow kudzu year round!

Thursday, April 16, 2015
Nice famine food
Does kudzu taste better than broccoli? I hope so!

Tuesday, April 14, 2015
Bonsai and hydroponics have never been tested with kudzu. Any takers?

Monday, April 13, 2015
Ecological psychology
Hydroponic kudzu. Any questions?

Saturday, April 11, 2015
Jokes on kudzu haters. Kudzu will save our butts if we have a famine or drought.
Look up kudzu recipes on any search engine. There is no joke to the value of this plant.
Look up kudzu recipes on any search engine. There is no joke to the value of this plant.

Friday, April 10, 2015
Nature walk
I ask questions about kudzu because:
I like surprises
I want to learn more
I want people to ask more
I like surprises
I want to learn more
I want people to ask more

Thursday, April 9, 2015
How do you harvest kudzu?
If you want vines for paper making or wreaths/baskets,
you need clippers or a sharp machete. If you are harvesting for a green
drink you need hands to pull leaves and a bag of some type. If you are
getting roots, you need a kudzilla.

Wednesday, April 8, 2015
G is for Ghost
Have you ever seen a cemetery under kudzu? Me neither.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015
Poncho Power is now BuddySystem42
Think about it! How many people know how to sew now? Not many. So I am still telling people about ponchos. Now I am asking people to use the Buddy System in the blog BuddySystem42. Everyone wants to say 42, right? It isn't 42. It is Four Two!
Silly isn't it?
Silly isn't it?

Thursday, April 2, 2015
A-Z Kudzu Hyroponics
Has anyone studied hydroponics using kudzu???

Wednesday, April 1, 2015
Do you have a question about kudzu?
Only one?
Please leave comments with your questions!
I may not answer your qution unless I do with a question!
Has Kudzu been stuied at the Antarctic?
Only one?
Please leave comments with your questions!
I may not answer your qution unless I do with a question!
Has Kudzu been stuied at the Antarctic?

If I Go to Antarctica, I need a grant from Canada, since the United States doesn't pay for a superfood plant, or a superplant food, to be studied in different conditions.
If I go to Antarctica, I need to learn more how to grow kudzu in hydroponics, and what kinds of lights really help indoor growth.
If I go to Antarctica, I have to find a way to go as a writer or a scientist. Do I have to get an honorary degree in science, cause heck if I want to be brainwashed by 20 classes telling me how things work. I know, rudiments.
Does anyone know a scientist named Constantin?
If I go to Antarctica, I need to learn more how to grow kudzu in hydroponics, and what kinds of lights really help indoor growth.
If I go to Antarctica, I have to find a way to go as a writer or a scientist. Do I have to get an honorary degree in science, cause heck if I want to be brainwashed by 20 classes telling me how things work. I know, rudiments.
Does anyone know a scientist named Constantin?

Tuesday, March 31, 2015
Why does Charlotte Fairchild eat Kudzu?
K U D Z U tastes really BETTER THAN ANY OTHER food to me.

Friday, March 20, 2015
When does kudzu start growing?
Kudzu sometimes grows in May. Wouldn't it be wonderful if we could start harvesting Kudzu in April?

Tuesday, February 24, 2015
Kudzu vs. Kale
Which tastes better, kale or kudzu? To me kudzu tastes much better.
Which has more medicinal uses, Kale or Kuduz? I don't know of any that kale has. kuduz has 60 medicinal uses.
I have more questions, mainly about the parasites that the curly leaves of kale has compared to the leaves of kudzu which is pretty simple and flat.
Which has more medicinal uses, Kale or Kuduz? I don't know of any that kale has. kuduz has 60 medicinal uses.
I have more questions, mainly about the parasites that the curly leaves of kale has compared to the leaves of kudzu which is pretty simple and flat.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015
Growth on the Poles
Does anyone grow kudzu on the North or South Poles?

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