Kudzu Questions

Ask questions about kudzu. Give answers if you want. What is more important than the questions about kudzu? The questions are the most interesting.

Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Collage for Buddy System for kudzu harvesting

 Thursday morning, February 8, at 9:30 am next week I would like 5 to 10 people to come to Michael's and make a collage of some pictures and stickers and funky lace and edging to make a mini-collage for the Buddy System. Cost? Free! Where? Hiram, Georgia Michael's. Time? 9:30 am until 11:30 am! RSVP: charlottefairchild@gmail.com
Subject: COLLAGE
Cost? Free
You get to take your collage home!

Thursday, January 25, 2018

Brownies without kudzu

  I have made kudzu brownies every year for over a decade. This week I never put kudzu in the brownies. I am using the kudzu in water and to make hot kudzu tea. I drink the water in the morning almost like a tincture. It is so sweet. I think people are so crazy to buy greens when we have so much kudzu in the South of the US. It is so sweet and it is so healthy for us. https://cop23.unfccc.int/news/over-25-of-world-s-land-will-dry-up-if-paris-goals-are-missed  Meanwhile, growing food will become more difficult and so few people know about kudzu. 

Please read this book about kudzu? http://www.ebookdb.org/reading/GF111EG8151C3A2A76GBG269/The-Book-Of-Kudzu--A-Culinary--Healing-Guide by a scientist and his Japanese wife from Stanford University.