I found kudzu at one park and at 2 post office buildings. Why is kudzu important? No irrigation, no pesticides, no herbicides, no fertilizers no sulfites/sulfates are on kudzu in safe places.
Free ebook:
Akiko Aoyagi and William Shurtleff are responsible for this book. She did the art and Japanese caligraphy. He did the science. http://www.ebookdb.org/reading/GF111EG8151C3A2A76GBG269/The-Book-Of-Kudzu--A-Culinary--Healing-Guide
Saturday, August 5, 2017
Gas station kudzu was poisoned.

Thursday, August 3, 2017
Pick high?
Yesterday I picked kudzu at the Lithia Springs post office in Georgia. I picked high. What are the benefits to picking high?
Charlotte Fairchild's song Kudzu Covered Land
Charlotte Fairchild's song Kudzu Covered Land

Wednesday, August 2, 2017
http://www.ebookdb.org/reading/GF111EG8151C3A2A76GBG269/The-Book-Of-Kudzu--A-Culinary--Healing-Guide The book of kudzu
Ozone for water and air for $69.00 https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00K70QDJA/ref=s9_acsd_hps_bw_c_x_1_w
This Helps Me
What is your prayer? Pray it.
You can translate this on Google Translate.
Allergies: http://www.knowthecause.com/index.php/watch/know-the-cause/4438-allergy-attack-5-23-2017-11381a is
one of many answers.
Ubiquinol Co-Q10
Alkaline water (1 quart/30 pounds of body weight) of
hydrogen rich water
Biomat helps me sweat at night which is a great way to detox. Check with doctor
and do not use while pregnant please.
Alkaline food (blender or juicer) or GREENS www.phmlife.com has
a free book. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NuxMMqMuHYE recipes
Try Youtube.com to find out if you like it. Autoharp Angels donated autoharps.
Beethoven’s Foundation for donated pianos.
Crazy, Sexy Cancer with Kris Carr (Stage 4 Pancreatic Cancer
remission for 15 years) http://kriscarr.com/products/crazy-sexy-cancer/
(80% GREENS)
Joe Cross juicing video with 80% GREENS helped his immune system balance. http://www.rebootwithjoe.com/
Solo Star II Juicer ($205.00) or Oster Blender,
2 gaskets you can use many Mason jars with an Oster Blender.
The Book of Kudzu by William Shurtleff for kudzu root
recipes. Stanford University. https://www.amazon.com/William-Shurtleff/e/B001HO3KJ6/ref=dp_byline_cont_book_1
Kudzu research for detoxing liver is western medicine with double
blind studies. There is plentiful research published. Google 250,000
recipes for kudzu
sulfites/sulfates, no pesticides nor herbicides nor fungicides nor fertilizers
and it is free)
Mold Elimination Diet pdf has a list of acidic foods high in
mold. Mold is toxic.
http://entallergycenter.com/Portals/0/pdfs/allergyinfo/mold_elimination_diet.pdf I sing better when I avoid mold!
Laughter every day on purpose. LOOK for funny things. Norman
Inconceivable by Julia Indochinova tells how a woman can
lower her FSH with greens, acupuncture, yoga and meditation.
Solo Flex Whole Body Vibration on Youtube.com
Trampoline for gravity, as much as 5 G's. https://www.target.com/p/upper-bounce174-40-inch-mini-foldable-rebounder-fitness-trampoline-with-adjustable-handrail/-/A-52064
Tiny Habits, B. J. Fogg, Do 2 activities a day
begin a new habit in
a painless and fun way.
Wonder Woman poses with hands on hips or hands in air like
winning racer to increase confidence 2 minutes several times a day.
Brain damage unnecessary.
Keep a can of spray paint near the computer and shake it several
times a day. (you might want to paint something)
http://www.nasopure.com/ Nasopure for clear singing to
clean molds out of sinuses to relive allergies.
pediatrician came up with Nasopure!
www.TheHealthFair.com Andrew Chung,
MD/PhD has a schedule for teaching Tai Chi for breathing, and self-defense
on his website, teaches weighing 2 pounds of food a day before eating as prevention
of over eating and straining valves of heart and veins. "Give us this day
our daily
bread" is not unlimited all you can eat. Daily Bread is an Omer. Joseph
the carpenter
measured twice
and cut once. Joseph, the Jewish Egyptian, measured all food during plenty and
famine. "Fairest Lord Jesus, Ruler of all Nature" means he is
fairer than a grocery store that weighs all foods. OXO scales online or
at Kroger. When I talk to pharmacists I ask them the different weights of a
doughnut, rice cake and bagel. He/She does not know and they begin weighing
their food since the same person who said “First do no harm” also said “Let
food be your medicine and medicine your food,” from Hippocrates.
www.sensiblehealth.com from
Canada Julia Chang for Traditional Chinese Medicine. She is a microscopist in

This Helps Me
http://www.ebookdb.org/reading/GF111EG8151C3A2A76GBG269/The-Book-Of-Kudzu--A-Culinary--Healing-Guide The Book of Kudzu
What is your prayer? Pray it.
You can translate this on Google Translate.
Allergies: http://www.knowthecause.com/index.php/watch/know-the-cause/4438-allergy-attack-5-23-2017-11381a is
one of many answers.
Ubiquinol Co-Q10
Alkaline water (1 quart/30 pounds of body weight) of
hydrogen rich water
Biomat helps me sweat at night which is a great way to detox. Check with doctor
and do not use while pregnant please.
Alkaline food (blender or juicer) or GREENS www.phmlife.com has
a free book. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NuxMMqMuHYE recipes
Try Youtube.com to find out if you like it. Autoharp Angels donated autoharps.
Beethoven’s Foundation for donated pianos.
Crazy, Sexy Cancer with Kris Carr (Stage 4 Pancreatic Cancer
remission for 15 years) http://kriscarr.com/products/crazy-sexy-cancer/
(80% GREENS)
Joe Cross juicing video with 80% GREENS helped his immune system balance. http://www.rebootwithjoe.com/
Solo Star II Juicer ($205.00) or Oster Blender,
2 gaskets you can use many Mason jars with an Oster Blender.
The Book of Kudzu by William Shurtleff for kudzu root
recipes. Stanford University. https://www.amazon.com/William-Shurtleff/e/B001HO3KJ6/ref=dp_byline_cont_book_1
Kudzu research for detoxing liver is western medicine with double
blind studies. There is plentiful research published. Google 250,000
recipes for kudzu
sulfites/sulfates, no pesticides nor herbicides nor fungicides nor fertilizers
and it is free)
Mold Elimination Diet pdf has a list of acidic foods high in
mold. Mold is toxic.
http://entallergycenter.com/Portals/0/pdfs/allergyinfo/mold_elimination_diet.pdf I sing better when I avoid mold!
Laughter every day on purpose. LOOK for funny things. Norman
Inconceivable by Julia Indochinova tells how a woman can
lower her FSH with greens, acupuncture, yoga and meditation.
Solo Flex Whole Body Vibration on Youtube.com
Trampoline for gravity, as much as 5 G's. https://www.target.com/p/upper-bounce174-40-inch-mini-foldable-rebounder-fitness-trampoline-with-adjustable-handrail/-/A-52064
Tiny Habits, B. J. Fogg, Do 2 activities a day
begin a new habit in
a painless and fun way.
Wonder Woman poses with hands on hips or hands in air like
winning racer to increase confidence 2 minutes several times a day.
Brain damage unnecessary.
Keep a can of spray paint near the computer and shake it several
times a day. (you might want to paint something)
http://www.nasopure.com/ Nasopure for clear singing to
clean molds out of sinuses to relive allergies.
pediatrician came up with Nasopure!
www.TheHealthFair.com Andrew Chung,
MD/PhD has a schedule for teaching Tai Chi for breathing, and self-defense
on his website, teaches weighing 2 pounds of food a day before eating as prevention
of over eating and straining valves of heart and veins. "Give us this day
our daily
bread" is not unlimited all you can eat. Daily Bread is an Omer. Joseph
the carpenter
measured twice
and cut once. Joseph, the Jewish Egyptian, measured all food during plenty and
famine. "Fairest Lord Jesus, Ruler of all Nature" means he is
fairer than a grocery store that weighs all foods. OXO scales online or
at Kroger. When I talk to pharmacists I ask them the different weights of a
doughnut, rice cake and bagel. He/She does not know and they begin weighing
their food since the same person who said “First do no harm” also said “Let
food be your medicine and medicine your food,” from Hippocrates.
www.sensiblehealth.com from
Canada Julia Chang for Traditional Chinese Medicine. She is a microscopist in

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