Saturday, December 30, 2017
Eat Your Greens
A sign could say: Kudzu is Food where there are large expanses of kudzu. Would anyone notice?

Thursday, December 14, 2017
Kudzu poetry contest from the past
Can you write a poem about kudzu? Kudzu is more fertile than most vines, isn't it! #kudzu
Can you write a poem about kudzu? Kudzu is more fertile than most vines, isn't it! #kudzu

Tuesday, December 12, 2017
How can kudzu change fertility
Do you eat your greens! Silent Infections was written by Charlotte Fairchild below in 2005 while I still worked at Mercer University at the Douglas County campus as an adjunct faculty member.
Some people see advanced as woo-woo, but if Ivy League universities and scientific entities such as NASA, and lucrative businesses like the NFL embrace a science, perhaps it isn't alternative. Perhaps it is ADVANCED. Standard of care is not always advanced. The pharmaceutical industry won't tell you about supplements that are studied and published in peer reviewed literature. I wouldn't call standard of care and the drug industry advanced at this time. Not when the profession isn't honest about what could change lives for the better instead of judging insulin resistance solely on diet and never giving the chance that any good horse would get for a healthy offspring by giving a test to find a yeast infection they don't test for yeast infection, which the CDC has called a silent infection.
Monday, March 31, 2008
Silent Infections

Lorenzo Odone died May 30, 2008. His father inspired me to do this research below about yeast infections women commonly have. Women aren't tested much for it, and then when a baby is lost they are not tested for it. So much more research has been done to help horses than to help humans with yeast. I found a little research that I share in the article below. These issues are taboo with doctors, pharmacists and their corporations, so far. Monistat is only for Candida Albicans, but there are other yeast infections people can have.
This site has no ads. to buy Fertile Prayers: Daily Fertile Prayers so your prayers will not be sterile. That is for every spiritual person, and not only for people trying to conceive and carry a baby to term. It will help me if you download this book for $4.95. The paperback books are books I gave away in a classroom at Mercer University and I receive no money for those books on Amazon.
This site has no ads. to buy Fertile Prayers: Daily Fertile Prayers so your prayers will not be sterile. That is for every spiritual person, and not only for people trying to conceive and carry a baby to term. It will help me if you download this book for $4.95. The paperback books are books I gave away in a classroom at Mercer University and I receive no money for those books on Amazon. is a charity on Amazon called Smile that gives to nonprofits. My nonprofit is Fear Thou Not and the EIN is 27-0321298, and when you order anything on Amazon, THEY donate to my nonprofit. It costs you nothing and you don't get to take it off on your taxes. You can feel good that you helped someone!!!
If I could go back in time, I would rather do a green diet and vitex than all the drugs and surgeries (procedures) and exams and miscarriages I went through. The stats are better for vitex for women, and L-carnitene for men than for all the medicines doctors are giving now. People are happier, as well with these supplements. I lost weight and cycled monthly with a green diet and vitex. has support for the thyroid and most of the supplements to help fertility.,2933,361148,00.html is my email.
Below is the article about low grade infections and miscarriage, infertility, stillbirth and sterility.
Charlotte Fairchild Many Infections are Silent (c) 2005
Many infections are silent, symptomless. An infection does not need to be sexually transmitted to be listed in the STI/STD category(CDC, 2004) or to have been found to cause infertility in horses (Google, 2004). Humans have not been studied as extensively? An example: horses infected with Candida from fescue and/or caterpillars become infertile. (Google, 2004) Common infections, as well as sexually transmitted infections might well disrupt hormones, and decrease fertility. The research for common infections in humans affecting FSH (Folicle Stimulating Hormone) has yet to be done (urinary tract infections, yeast infections, dental disease, colds, to name a few). If there is a relationship to fertility and common infections, one test will not close the door to treatment, as well as hope for many women to give birth to their genetic child. It may instead open the door to better health. Perhaps the pH Miracle and alkaline diets will change the milieu of sterility, stillbirth, infertility, miscarriage.
Most women who reach menopause will have high FSH levels. Follicle Stimulating Hormone comes from the pituitary in the brain, and is necessary for ovulation in women. Higher levels spell menopause and the end of ovulation. Some women have higher levels as soon as their 20s and other women have normal levels in their 40s. The women with higher levels find it is difficult or impossible to have their genetic children. Little research has been done directly for factors of FSH levels. So much has been written about the age factor, when perhaps there is more. (Hanson, 2003) Perhaps infection plays a role.
Four studies gave differing views of infection and FSH levels. HIV infected women had higher levels of FSH in one study. (Salmassi, 2001) Cattle had normal FSH levels, but still fewer and smaller follicles with a uterine bacterial infection. (Sheldon, 2002) (The FSH levels may have been different, but the effects were similar, because fertility factors decreased in each study.) FSH is related to viral replication time (Wang, S.W., 1995). “Our findings reveal that endotoxin interrupts the follicular phase of the cycle by interfering with several steps in the preovulatory chain of endocrine events.” (Karsch, 2001) ########
Google. Search: Horse fungal fertility, results 1-10 of about 11,400. March 25, 2004. (many are in peer reviewed journals) Mar. 2004 Mar. 2004 full text Mar. 2004
Hanson B. Questioning the Construction of Maternal Age as a Fertility Problem Health Care for Women International. Taylor & Francis Health Sciences 24:3 Mar 2003, 166-176 Taylor & Francis Journals. Galileo. Full text.
Karsch FJ, Battaglia DF, Breen KM, Debus N, Harris TG. Mechanisms for ovarian cycle disruption by immune/inflammatory stress. Reproductive Sciences Program and Department of Physiology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 48109, USA.
McGowan MR; Kafi M; Kirkland PD; Kelly R; Bielefeldt-Ohmann H; Occhio MD; Jillella D Studies of the pathogenesis of bovine pestivirus-induced ovarian dysfunction in superovulated dairy cattle. Medscape
McMillan K. Ask the Vet. Pregnancy Problems. Progressive Farmer. Sept 2003
Rodriguez R; Hernandez R; Fuster F; Torres A; Prieto P; Alberto J Infeccion genital y esterilidad. Enferm Infecc Microbiol Clin 2001 Jun-Jul; 19(6):261-6 Salmassi A; Lu S; Hedderich J; Oettinghaus C; Jonat W; Mettler L.
Interaction of interleukin-6 on human granulose cell steroid secretion. J Endocrinol 2001 Aug; 170(2):471-8 Abstract. Medscape. Sheldon IM; Noakes DE; Rycroft AN; Pfeiffer DU; Dobson H
Influence of uterine bacterial contamination after parturition on ovarian dominant follicle selection and follicle growth and function in cattle. Reproduction 2002 Jun;123(6):837045 Abstract Medscape Sinha-Hikim I; Arver S; Beall G; Shen R; Guerrero M; Sattler F; Shikuma C; Nelson JC; Landgren BM; Mazer NA; Bhasin S
The use of a sensitive equilibrium dialysis method for the measurement of free testosterone levels in healthy, cycling women and in human immunodeficiency virus-infected women. J Clin endocrinol Metab 1998 Apr;83(4):1312-8 Abstract
Medscape Wang, SW Induction of feline acquired immune deficiency syndrome by feline leukemia virus: alteration in response to hormones in the hypothalamic-pituitary system
Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine. 208, no.4(Apr 1995) First Search, AGRICOLA Detailed Record.
If I could go back in time, I would rather do a green diet and vitex than all the drugs and surgeries (procedures) and exams and miscarriages I went through. The stats are better for vitex for women, and L-carnitene for men than for all the medicines doctors are giving now. People are happier, as well with these supplements. I lost weight and cycled monthly with a green diet and vitex. has support for the thyroid and most of the supplements to help fertility.,2933,361148,00.html is my email.
Below is the article about low grade infections and miscarriage, infertility, stillbirth and sterility.
Charlotte Fairchild Many Infections are Silent (c) 2005
Many infections are silent, symptomless. An infection does not need to be sexually transmitted to be listed in the STI/STD category(CDC, 2004) or to have been found to cause infertility in horses (Google, 2004). Humans have not been studied as extensively? An example: horses infected with Candida from fescue and/or caterpillars become infertile. (Google, 2004) Common infections, as well as sexually transmitted infections might well disrupt hormones, and decrease fertility. The research for common infections in humans affecting FSH (Folicle Stimulating Hormone) has yet to be done (urinary tract infections, yeast infections, dental disease, colds, to name a few). If there is a relationship to fertility and common infections, one test will not close the door to treatment, as well as hope for many women to give birth to their genetic child. It may instead open the door to better health. Perhaps the pH Miracle and alkaline diets will change the milieu of sterility, stillbirth, infertility, miscarriage.
Most women who reach menopause will have high FSH levels. Follicle Stimulating Hormone comes from the pituitary in the brain, and is necessary for ovulation in women. Higher levels spell menopause and the end of ovulation. Some women have higher levels as soon as their 20s and other women have normal levels in their 40s. The women with higher levels find it is difficult or impossible to have their genetic children. Little research has been done directly for factors of FSH levels. So much has been written about the age factor, when perhaps there is more. (Hanson, 2003) Perhaps infection plays a role.
Four studies gave differing views of infection and FSH levels. HIV infected women had higher levels of FSH in one study. (Salmassi, 2001) Cattle had normal FSH levels, but still fewer and smaller follicles with a uterine bacterial infection. (Sheldon, 2002) (The FSH levels may have been different, but the effects were similar, because fertility factors decreased in each study.) FSH is related to viral replication time (Wang, S.W., 1995). “Our findings reveal that endotoxin interrupts the follicular phase of the cycle by interfering with several steps in the preovulatory chain of endocrine events.” (Karsch, 2001) ########
Google. Search: Horse fungal fertility, results 1-10 of about 11,400. March 25, 2004. (many are in peer reviewed journals) Mar. 2004 Mar. 2004 full text Mar. 2004
Hanson B. Questioning the Construction of Maternal Age as a Fertility Problem Health Care for Women International. Taylor & Francis Health Sciences 24:3 Mar 2003, 166-176 Taylor & Francis Journals. Galileo. Full text.
Karsch FJ, Battaglia DF, Breen KM, Debus N, Harris TG. Mechanisms for ovarian cycle disruption by immune/inflammatory stress. Reproductive Sciences Program and Department of Physiology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 48109, USA.
McGowan MR; Kafi M; Kirkland PD; Kelly R; Bielefeldt-Ohmann H; Occhio MD; Jillella D Studies of the pathogenesis of bovine pestivirus-induced ovarian dysfunction in superovulated dairy cattle. Medscape
McMillan K. Ask the Vet. Pregnancy Problems. Progressive Farmer. Sept 2003
Rodriguez R; Hernandez R; Fuster F; Torres A; Prieto P; Alberto J Infeccion genital y esterilidad. Enferm Infecc Microbiol Clin 2001 Jun-Jul; 19(6):261-6 Salmassi A; Lu S; Hedderich J; Oettinghaus C; Jonat W; Mettler L.
Interaction of interleukin-6 on human granulose cell steroid secretion. J Endocrinol 2001 Aug; 170(2):471-8 Abstract. Medscape. Sheldon IM; Noakes DE; Rycroft AN; Pfeiffer DU; Dobson H
Influence of uterine bacterial contamination after parturition on ovarian dominant follicle selection and follicle growth and function in cattle. Reproduction 2002 Jun;123(6):837045 Abstract Medscape Sinha-Hikim I; Arver S; Beall G; Shen R; Guerrero M; Sattler F; Shikuma C; Nelson JC; Landgren BM; Mazer NA; Bhasin S
The use of a sensitive equilibrium dialysis method for the measurement of free testosterone levels in healthy, cycling women and in human immunodeficiency virus-infected women. J Clin endocrinol Metab 1998 Apr;83(4):1312-8 Abstract
Medscape Wang, SW Induction of feline acquired immune deficiency syndrome by feline leukemia virus: alteration in response to hormones in the hypothalamic-pituitary system
Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine. 208, no.4(Apr 1995) First Search, AGRICOLA Detailed Record.
Labels: CDC, Charlotte Fairchild, fertility, infertility, miscarriage, pH miracle, Silent infection, sterility, taboo
Read The Book of kudzu by William Shurtleff to find out more about eating your greens. Free ebook:

Monday, November 6, 2017
Fund raiser
Shop for everyone on your gift list this holiday at and Amazon donates to Fear Thou Not. I tell people about the #BuddySystem for women, Poncho Power, and AutoharpsNchurches and Kudzu!

Sunday, October 29, 2017
What if you told someone today about kudzu detoxing the liver and pancreas? What if you learned enough about kudzu to use it? Would you live longer? Would you be healthier?
Would you be helping people? Would you be working a garden as hard? No pesticides, no herbicides, no irrigation, no fertilizer is needed for kudzu. So why grow kudzu?
Would you be helping people? Would you be working a garden as hard? No pesticides, no herbicides, no irrigation, no fertilizer is needed for kudzu. So why grow kudzu?

I wanted to make more jelly
Who would eat it. For my husband and me, a quart of kudzu jelly lasts a year. I was going to make a video of the kudzu jelly. Would anyone watch it? If you want to make kudzu taste better, add salt. Try it. Kind of nuts. It works!

How many meals is one 400 pound kudzu root

If you realize that kudzu is not at all toxic and is totally free, and there are free recipes online for hundreds of thousands of recipes, you might survive during a famine or during plenty. Nine elementary kids die from heart failure die every week from overeating nationwide. I saw that on a billboard in Alabama last fall. #InstantBuddy on Twitter
Food for 7 days (23 oz
per day x 6 "full" days):
(first morning, fill-up with high-octane
at the trailhead & the last night,
feast at the
local pizzeria or whatever)
In terms of the best recommendations for ongoing treks and
sustained energy, Carolyn Gunn, the author of the Expedition Cookbook (Hanson,
p. 17), suggests planning for 4,000 calories per person per day for a trip such
as Denali, in the ratio of 60-65% carbs, 20-25% fat and 10-15% protein (what
amounts to about 2 pounds of food per person, per day, not counting packaging.)
Expenditure can be as high as 6000 calories/day, depending on altitude, extreme
temperatures, and performance requirements for any given day (NAMOHAE). The raw
energy requirements increase 15-50% over that needed at sea-level for
comparable exertion, and will obviously depend on the size and gender of the
individual; a 115 pound woman, for example, won’t need as much food as a 175
pound man, assuming they’re doing comparable work. At the same time, food
intakes typically fall 10-50% during altitude exposure, depending on the
rapidity of ascent and the individual’s susceptibility to altitude illness such
as AMS (acute mountain sickness). (Askew, p. 1)
If you only packed carbohydrates or proteins, this would require 450 grams of food (1800 calories / 4 calories per gram), which works out to be 1 pound of food. However, if you read this article, you would know that fats are more energy dense, and you would have packed those instead. This means you would only need 200 grams of food (1800 calories / 9 calories per gram), which is only 0.44 pounds. Just by changing your fuel source, or the type of food you packed, in this situation you could cut your weight from 1 pound of food to under 1/2 a pound of food, and still get the same job done! Amazing, but true!
These are “official” results from the MEDLINE database and
thus have more scientific standing.
Any of the articles can be ordered through a medical library
using the PMID number.
Eur J Appl Physiol.
2012 Mar;112(3):1077-86. Epub 2011 Jul 9.
Saga Nutraceuticals Research
Institute, Otsuka Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., Higashisefuri, Kanzaki, Saga
842-0195, Japan. jp
We compared relative exercise
intensity and active energy expenditure (AEE) on trail walking in the
mountains, with those of daily exercise training, and whether branched-chain
amino acid (BCAA) and arginine supplementation attenuated the release of
markers indicating muscle damage and declines in physical performance.
Twenty-one subjects (~63 years) were divided into two groups: amino acid (AA,
51 g of amino acids and 40 g of carbohydrate, male/female = 6/4) or placebo
(PL, 91 g of carbohydrate, male/female = 6/5) supplementation during 2 days of
trail walking in the mountains. We measured heart rate (HR), AEE, fatigue
sensation, water and food intake, and sweat loss during walking. In addition,
we measured peak aerobic capacity [Formula: see text] and heart rate (HR(peak))
with graded-intensity walking, vertical jumping height (VJ) before and after
walking. We found that average HR and AEE during uphill walking were ~100%
HR(peak) and ~60% [Formula: see text], while they were ~80 and ~20% during
downhill walking, respectively. Moreover, average total AEE per day was
sevenfold that of their daily walking training. VJ after walking remained
unchanged compared with the baseline in AA (P > 0.2), while it was reduced
by ~10% in PL (P < 0.01), although with no significant difference in the
reduction between the groups (P > 0.4). The responses of other variables
were not significantly different between groups (all, P > 0.2). Thus, trail
walking in the mountains required a high-intensity effort for older people,
while the effects of BCAA and arginine supplementation were modest in this
PMID: 21744005
[PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
Br J Sports Med. 2010
May;44(6):430-6. Epub 2008 Jun 6.
Ad libitum adjustments to fluid intake during cool environmental conditions maintain hydration status during a 3-day mountain bike race.
Department of Physiology, School of Medical Sciences, University of KwaZulu-Natal, Private Bag 7, Congella 4013, South Africa.Abstract
In this study, the hydration status of amateur cyclists who voluntarily adjusted their fluid intake to environmental conditions during a 3-day, 248-km mountain bike (MTB) race was assessed.DESIGN:
Prospective observational field study.SETTING:
Sani2C MTB Race, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, 2006.PARTICIPANTS:
18 randomly selected amateur, male MTB cyclists.MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES:
Reported usual fluid intake, environmental conditions, voluntary fluid intake, urine voided, changes in body mass, serum osmolality (SO), sodium concentration [Na(+)] and urinary specific gravity (Usg) during each stage (S).RESULTS:
Dry bulb temperature (adjusted for windchill) ranged from 6 degrees to 21.4 degrees C during S1, S2 and S3. While 77.8% (n = 14) of subjects reported a usual intake of >750 ml h(-1) in previous MTB events, mean (SE) fluid intake in this race ranged from 341 (32) ml h(-1) during S1 to 551 (56) ml h(-1) during S3. Changes in mean body mass ranged between -0.99% and -2.02% during the three stages. Mean SO and serum [Na(+)] ranged between 292 (0.73) mOsm kg(-1) and 298 mOsm kg(-1) and 137 (0.35) mEq and 140 (0.42) mEq, respectively, during the 3-day period, while Usg remainedCONCLUSION:
Ad libitum fluid intake during the 2006 Sani2C MTB Race, which took place in unexpectedly cold environmental conditions, was substantially lower than the usual reported fluid intake of subjects. Changes in body mass, SO, serum [Na(+)] and Usg were not clinically significant, indicating that an adequate hydration status was maintained during the multiday MTB cycle race.
PMID: 18539653
[PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
Adv Exp Med
Biol. 2007;618:1-11.
Department of Sport Science, Medical
Section, University of Innsbruck, Austria.
Sudden cardiac death (SCD) is the
major cause of fatalities in males over 34 years of age during hiking or
downhill skiing in the mountains. The main goal of the present study was the
identification of risk factors and triggers associated with SCDs during these
mountain activities. Besides recording individual circumstances associated with
SCD, a case-control study was performed comparing the risk factor profiles of
247 males over the age of 34 who suffered SCD during mountain hiking or
downhill skiing with those of 741 matched controls. The SCD risk was greatest
on the first day at altitude but altitude per se and the duration of activity
did not appear to markedly modify this risk. In contrast, the longer the time
from the last food and fluid intake during hiking, the higher was the SCD risk.
Early cardio-pulmonary resuscitation was started in 33% of skiers and in 14 %
of hikers after occurrence of unconsciousness. Hikers who died suddenly during
mountain hiking were much more likely to have had a prior myocardial infarction
(MI) (17% vs. 0.9%), known coronary artery disease (CAD) without prior MI (17%
vs. 4%), diabetes (6% vs. 1%), hypercholesterolemia (54 % vs. 20%), and were
also less engaged in regular mountaineering activities (31% vs. 58%) compared
with hikers from the control group (all P < 0.001). Skiers who suffered SCD
had much more frequently a prior MI (41% vs. 1.5%), hypertension (50% vs. 17%),
known CAD without prior MI (9% vs. 3%), and were less engaged in regular
strenuous exercise (4% vs. 15%) when compared to controls (all P < 0.05).
These findings enable identification of skiers and hikers at increased SCD-risk
and recommendation of preventive measures, e.g. pharmacological interventions
and adaptation to specific mountain activities. They also underline the need
for intensified cardio-pulmonary resuscitation training for all mountaineers.
PMID: 18269184
[PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
Eur J Appl Physiol.
2004 Apr;91(4):493-8. Epub 2004 Feb 11.
Colworth House, Unilever R&D
Colworth, Sharnbrook, Bedford MK44 1LQ, UK.
The effect of drinking tea on
hydration status and mood was studied in nine male and four female members of
expeditions based at Mt. Everest base camp at an altitude of 5,345 m. Whilst
exposed to altitude-cold diuresis, participants were subjected to a crossover
experimental design comprising two 24-h dietary interventions. In the
"tea" condition, hot brewed tea formed a major part of fluid intake,
whereas in the "no-tea" condition tea was excluded from the diet.
Subjects were prohibited in both cases from consuming other caffeinated
beverages, caffeinated foods, and alcoholic drinks. Mean fluids ingested [mean
(SE); tea=3,193 (259) ml versus no tea=3,108 (269) ml] and urine volume
(tea=2,686 (276) ml versus no tea=2,625 (342) ml] were similar under both conditions.
Statistical analysis found no difference in urine stimulated as a result of the
tea intervention (P=0.81). Several markers of hydration status were also taken
immediately pre and post each condition, including measures of urine specific
gravity, urine electrolyte balance (K+, Na+), and urine colour. None of these
measures indicated a difference in hydration status as a result of the dietary
intervention in either the control or tea condition. A difference was, however,
found in mood, with subjects reporting reduced fatigue when tea was included in
the diet (P=0.005). The study shows therefore that even when drunk at high
altitude where fluid balance is stressed, there is no evidence that tea acts as
a diuretic when consumed through natural routes of ingestion by regular tea
drinkers, but that it does have a positive effect on mood.
PMID: 14872247
[PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
------------------------------ ------------
Int J
Circumpolar Health. 1998;57 Suppl 1:742-5.
Eastern Aleutian Tribes, Inc.,
Akutan, Alaska, USA.
The purpose of the descriptive study
was to determine the hydration status of recreational backpackers (n = 201)
hiking at altitudes between 7,500 and 14,000 feet. Urine specific gravity was
used to document the level of hydration of each subject entering or leaving the
Bridger-Teton Wilderness. Demographic, risk, and knowledge factors were also
obtained from the sample. Both pre-hike and post-hike subjects were dehydrated;
pre-hike mean specific gravity was 1.018, and the post-hike mean was 1.023,
showing a significant difference (t = -4.671, p < 0.0000). A small subset
group (n = 10) entered both pre- and post-hike data and the findings were
similar to the large group, showing a significant increase in specific gravity
post-hike (t = -4.881, p < 0.0009). Interestingly, 24% (n = 130) of the
post-hike males presented with hematuria.
PMID: 10093381
[PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] 

Wednesday, October 25, 2017
Where do you get your kudzu?
Please tell me where you get your kudzu?

Sunday, October 22, 2017
I have 2 blogs for kudzu.
I used to have 6 email accounts. I used to write on 14 or more blogs every day. Authors of the Impossible was my inspiration. So this is the link for one other kudzu blog:
I have persimmons and could make something with them today!
I have persimmons and could make something with them today!

Wednesday, October 18, 2017
mention kudzu. Is there another book that features kudzu as much? How many other books have autoharps featured?
Would you like to read MURDER ON THE SILVER COMET TRAIL for free? Go straight to Kindle then! It is free on Kindle Unlimited!
Would you like to read MURDER ON THE SILVER COMET TRAIL for free? Go straight to Kindle then! It is free on Kindle Unlimited!

Saturday, August 5, 2017
Gas station kudzu was poisoned.
I found kudzu at one park and at 2 post office buildings. Why is kudzu important? No irrigation, no pesticides, no herbicides, no fertilizers no sulfites/sulfates are on kudzu in safe places.
Free ebook:
Akiko Aoyagi and William Shurtleff are responsible for this book. She did the art and Japanese caligraphy. He did the science.
Free ebook:
Akiko Aoyagi and William Shurtleff are responsible for this book. She did the art and Japanese caligraphy. He did the science.

Thursday, August 3, 2017
Pick high?
Yesterday I picked kudzu at the Lithia Springs post office in Georgia. I picked high. What are the benefits to picking high?
Charlotte Fairchild's song Kudzu Covered Land
Charlotte Fairchild's song Kudzu Covered Land

Wednesday, August 2, 2017 The book of kudzu
Ozone for water and air for $69.00
This Helps Me
What is your prayer? Pray it.
You can translate this on Google Translate.
Allergies: is
one of many answers.
Ubiquinol Co-Q10
Alkaline water (1 quart/30 pounds of body weight) of
hydrogen rich water
Biomat helps me sweat at night which is a great way to detox. Check with doctor
and do not use while pregnant please.
Alkaline food (blender or juicer) or GREENS has
a free book. recipes
Try to find out if you like it. Autoharp Angels donated autoharps.
Beethoven’s Foundation for donated pianos.
Crazy, Sexy Cancer with Kris Carr (Stage 4 Pancreatic Cancer
remission for 15 years)
(80% GREENS)
Joe Cross juicing video with 80% GREENS helped his immune system balance.
Solo Star II Juicer ($205.00) or Oster Blender,
2 gaskets you can use many Mason jars with an Oster Blender.
The Book of Kudzu by William Shurtleff for kudzu root
recipes. Stanford University.
Kudzu research for detoxing liver is western medicine with double
blind studies. There is plentiful research published. Google 250,000
recipes for kudzu
sulfites/sulfates, no pesticides nor herbicides nor fungicides nor fertilizers
and it is free)
Mold Elimination Diet pdf has a list of acidic foods high in
mold. Mold is toxic. I sing better when I avoid mold!
Laughter every day on purpose. LOOK for funny things. Norman
Inconceivable by Julia Indochinova tells how a woman can
lower her FSH with greens, acupuncture, yoga and meditation.
Solo Flex Whole Body Vibration on
Trampoline for gravity, as much as 5 G's.
Tiny Habits, B. J. Fogg, Do 2 activities a day
begin a new habit in
a painless and fun way.
Wonder Woman poses with hands on hips or hands in air like
winning racer to increase confidence 2 minutes several times a day.
Brain damage unnecessary.
Keep a can of spray paint near the computer and shake it several
times a day. (you might want to paint something) Nasopure for clear singing to
clean molds out of sinuses to relive allergies.
pediatrician came up with Nasopure! Andrew Chung,
MD/PhD has a schedule for teaching Tai Chi for breathing, and self-defense
on his website, teaches weighing 2 pounds of food a day before eating as prevention
of over eating and straining valves of heart and veins. "Give us this day
our daily
bread" is not unlimited all you can eat. Daily Bread is an Omer. Joseph
the carpenter
measured twice
and cut once. Joseph, the Jewish Egyptian, measured all food during plenty and
famine. "Fairest Lord Jesus, Ruler of all Nature" means he is
fairer than a grocery store that weighs all foods. OXO scales online or
at Kroger. When I talk to pharmacists I ask them the different weights of a
doughnut, rice cake and bagel. He/She does not know and they begin weighing
their food since the same person who said “First do no harm” also said “Let
food be your medicine and medicine your food,” from Hippocrates. from
Canada Julia Chang for Traditional Chinese Medicine. She is a microscopist in

This Helps Me The Book of Kudzu
What is your prayer? Pray it.
You can translate this on Google Translate.
Allergies: is
one of many answers.
Ubiquinol Co-Q10
Alkaline water (1 quart/30 pounds of body weight) of
hydrogen rich water
Biomat helps me sweat at night which is a great way to detox. Check with doctor
and do not use while pregnant please.
Alkaline food (blender or juicer) or GREENS has
a free book. recipes
Try to find out if you like it. Autoharp Angels donated autoharps.
Beethoven’s Foundation for donated pianos.
Crazy, Sexy Cancer with Kris Carr (Stage 4 Pancreatic Cancer
remission for 15 years)
(80% GREENS)
Joe Cross juicing video with 80% GREENS helped his immune system balance.
Solo Star II Juicer ($205.00) or Oster Blender,
2 gaskets you can use many Mason jars with an Oster Blender.
The Book of Kudzu by William Shurtleff for kudzu root
recipes. Stanford University.
Kudzu research for detoxing liver is western medicine with double
blind studies. There is plentiful research published. Google 250,000
recipes for kudzu
sulfites/sulfates, no pesticides nor herbicides nor fungicides nor fertilizers
and it is free)
Mold Elimination Diet pdf has a list of acidic foods high in
mold. Mold is toxic. I sing better when I avoid mold!
Laughter every day on purpose. LOOK for funny things. Norman
Inconceivable by Julia Indochinova tells how a woman can
lower her FSH with greens, acupuncture, yoga and meditation.
Solo Flex Whole Body Vibration on
Trampoline for gravity, as much as 5 G's.
Tiny Habits, B. J. Fogg, Do 2 activities a day
begin a new habit in
a painless and fun way.
Wonder Woman poses with hands on hips or hands in air like
winning racer to increase confidence 2 minutes several times a day.
Brain damage unnecessary.
Keep a can of spray paint near the computer and shake it several
times a day. (you might want to paint something) Nasopure for clear singing to
clean molds out of sinuses to relive allergies.
pediatrician came up with Nasopure! Andrew Chung,
MD/PhD has a schedule for teaching Tai Chi for breathing, and self-defense
on his website, teaches weighing 2 pounds of food a day before eating as prevention
of over eating and straining valves of heart and veins. "Give us this day
our daily
bread" is not unlimited all you can eat. Daily Bread is an Omer. Joseph
the carpenter
measured twice
and cut once. Joseph, the Jewish Egyptian, measured all food during plenty and
famine. "Fairest Lord Jesus, Ruler of all Nature" means he is
fairer than a grocery store that weighs all foods. OXO scales online or
at Kroger. When I talk to pharmacists I ask them the different weights of a
doughnut, rice cake and bagel. He/She does not know and they begin weighing
their food since the same person who said “First do no harm” also said “Let
food be your medicine and medicine your food,” from Hippocrates. from
Canada Julia Chang for Traditional Chinese Medicine. She is a microscopist in

Thursday, July 27, 2017
Kudzu is food and The book of kudzu is an ebook The book of Kudzu by William Shurtleff and Akiko Aoyagi is free here.
Great for preppers, for people on islands needing food, for people in cities for us if there is ever a catastrophe and grocery stores are out of commission.
I spoke at a Haitian church last Sunday. Bienvenu. I was happy to say hello to everyone and to tell them about the Buddy System, kudzu, and poncho power. I told them how my way to be a chaplain was taken away in 1999 with so many women in the Southern Baptist denomination. There has to be a relationship or there won't be success. No one can make it alone. Kudzu Questions.
Great for preppers, for people on islands needing food, for people in cities for us if there is ever a catastrophe and grocery stores are out of commission.
I spoke at a Haitian church last Sunday. Bienvenu. I was happy to say hello to everyone and to tell them about the Buddy System, kudzu, and poncho power. I told them how my way to be a chaplain was taken away in 1999 with so many women in the Southern Baptist denomination. There has to be a relationship or there won't be success. No one can make it alone. Kudzu Questions.

Saturday, June 10, 2017
Do you hate going alone when you harvest kudzu
Do you know what to give the father in your life? A pink Buddy System sticker can help him keep the women in his life safe. When you harvest your kudzu, use the Buddy System!
Do you know about my EIN 27-0123298, Fear Thou Not ministry? I go to a different church every Sunday and tell one person about the autoharp and autoharp angels, I tell women about the Buddy System because it is not common sense and it is not common knowledge for women since it is not in our yearly much less daily literature like it is for police, military, and hunters who are mainly male who carry weapons. Poncho Power on Youtube for women with breast cancer and women who breast feed. Donations can be made to Rev. Charlotte Fairchild, P.O. Box 1803, Douglasville, GA 30133 any time you get a windfall and want to spread the love. for autoharps,, and and I write books. especially needed at Father's Day and Mother's Day and when blindsided no matter what age you may be, or for pregnant women who are anxious, and

Friday, May 5, 2017
Chocolate or kudzu
If kudzu grows 1 foot a day in 8 directions with the right conditions, and if kudzu were chocolate, what would you do?

Wednesday, April 26, 2017
What recipe can you add kudzu to?
Would you add kudzu to these recipes?
- Mango, Avocado and water smoothie
- 1 Mango (5 ounces of frozen from Sam's Club)
- 1 Avocado
- 1 generous sprinkle of nutmeg
- Honey or Stevia,
- Water
- Blend in a blender
- Banana Nut Bread!
- almonds - 1 ½ cups (150 g), roughly chopped and toasted
- butter - 3/4 cup (170 g), softened
- cream cheese - 1 8 oz package (200 g), softened
- white sugar - 1 ½ cup
- brown sugar - ½ cup
- avocados - 2 large
- vanilla extract - 1 tsp
- all-purpose flour - 3 cups
- baking powder - ½ tsp
- baking soda - ½ tsp
- salt - ½ tsp
- banana - 4 medium, mushed

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