Fertile Prayers: Daily Fertile Prayers might benefit from kudzu?
Thursday, November 11, 2021
Super Plant is another word for invasive

Wednesday, August 4, 2021
Kudzu spots
Yesterday I got kudzu! I make kudzu juice when I find kudzu I can harvest in a safe place. The New Georgia Library has kudzu next to it. I know it has been poisoned in the past. Harvesting kudzu Click link to see 2 minutes of harvesting kudzu. I feel safe at the library in New Georgia when I harvest kudzu.
Be well,

Wednesday, July 28, 2021
Can you teach me something about kudzu?
I used to know more about kudzu. What do you know about kudzu?

Thursday, April 29, 2021
Will you give your Mom Kudzu for Mother's Day?
She Needs to Give Us a List
I do not know why I wanted to buy something my husband's mother might like?
My Mom has been gone for 10 years this year.
I do not know why sizing of clothes never adds up.
Nothing from any country fits the same.
I bought another robe for my husband's mother.
One was too big.
Will the second be too small?
Why did I try to please my husband's mother?
When Bob and I first started dating,
He asked me, "make a list of things you think I need? Please?"
I did.
He gave the list to his mother.
She bought everything on the list.
This is why I tried to please her.
She was generous when I barely knew her.
She gave everything her son asked for to him one Christmas.
We never gave her a list again.
We were afraid she would give us everything on the list.
I wish she gave us a list.--Charlotte Fairchild
April 29, 2021 at 12:48 PM

Friday, September 11, 2020
Size of female might determine reproductive rate
While human doctors are looking at fatness to determine why women are not having children, gorilla scientists are looking at dominance. https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2020/06/200603144331.htm
Has any scientist looked at a human and though, "I wonder if her dominance has anything to do with reproduction?"
Why drug addicts and sick people routinely get pregnant and women who might appear fat have more difficulty has always been a question difficult to answer. Why blame one thing when it might be another? Why is it metformin is not working for everyone, and dieting is not working for everyone when it just might be the level of control a person has in their life that gives that person fertility. I wish kudzu would be the end all elixir. Why is it not?

Tuesday, September 8, 2020
You are what you eat
Bamboo has cyanide unless cooked. The leaves of this classified grass also may have cyanide. The bamboo sprouts have cyanide that is unhealthy unless cooked. Kuduz? No cyanide. Does kudzu have more than 60 health benefits?
Think about it, people who drink diet drinks and skip meals may be a normal weight and have such poor nutrition that they may look healthy and be far from healthy.
Let food be your medicine and medicine your food. So little research is being done for gluten, for food allergies, for yeast infections and for who eats enough chlorophyll. Here is another interesting article focusing on weight. How much health do these people who have higher weight have? Dental health, infections, viruses, immune health, are factors. People who are slender may be unhealthy and people who are overweight may be healthier. The higher weight may be a reason many women cannot have children. Do all higher weight women get there the same way? Vegetarian, omnivore, junk food choices, or a chlorophyll rich diet are these considered in any of these studies about women who are infertile and have higher weight? Below is an article that may or may not include food people eat or drink.

Sunday, September 6, 2020
Is kudzu an herb?
A scientist sent this article to me:
Herbal medicine for the management of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and associated oligo/amenorrhoea and hyperandrogenism; a review of the laboratory evidence for effects with corroborative clinical findings